Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Daily routine

This is how our day goes...
8am we are still in bed and Asa slithers out of bed (yes he sneaks into our bed in the middle of the night) to sneak away to grandma's.
Mommy: Asa where are you going?
Asa: To grandma's
Mommy: No, grandma is sleeping
Asa: No she's not!
Mommy: Yes she is (She isn't really, but that's what I tell him to distract him from leaving me so early.)
Asa proceeds to look out the window to discover that grandma's car is in fact in the driveway, which always means she's home and accepting small visitors. Asa proceeds to sneak out the house. Here are the pictures to prove rain or shine clothes or not, he is going to GRANDMA'S no if's and's or but's about it!!


Britt's Clan said...

Oh that is soooo CUTE!!! I am just lucky I live in "CUBA" or my kids would do the same thing... LOL!!

Amanda M. said...

How funny! You are so lucky to have grandma so close! What a cutie.

Mom at Our House said...

That just might be the cutest thing ever. What a lucky Grandma

Angie Stewart Black said...

Those pictures are so dang fun. I love that you took shots of him getting further away from you. How cute.

Daron says he's just like his dad!!
Wonder where it all got started??

Marianne said...

Those are such sweet pictures...I bet grandma loves it!