Thursday, December 11, 2008

50 Thinkgs about me

Another Tag.. FUN!!

50 Things You Didn't Know About Me Till Now

1.What color is your tooth brush? Green and White
2. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? Sleeping
3. What is your favorite candy bar? It changes all the time. right now I LOVE dark chocolate kit kat mini's.
4. Have you ever been to a strip club? Negative
5. What is the last thing you said aloud? What show do you want to watch?
6. What is the best ice cream flavor? Mint Chip
7. What is the last thing you had to drink? Juice last night
8. What are you wearing right now? Pajamas
9. What was the last thing you ate? Chips last night
10. Have you bought any new clothing items this week? Actually, I redeemed a gift card that I got for christmas last year! I had been saving it because I was convinced I would lose my post baby weight, and i didn't, so I redeemed them and bought a super cute pair of expensive jeans and a sweater :) I love spending someone else's money!
11. When was the last time you ran? Last night at the grocery store with Asa so he didn't pee his pants!
12. Who was the last person to send you a message/comment on your blog? I don't remember
13. Do you take vitamins daily? Nope
14. Do you go to church every Sunday? I'd like to think I do, but in reality I don't. Not because I don't believe, because I do, things just come up.
15. Do you have a tan? Tan?? What's that? I am the whitest person on this planet. I take FOREVER to tan and who has time. And besides I don't want skin cancer, and i probably would get it knowing my luck.
16. Do you like Chinese food over pizza? No, I don't think so.
17. Do you drink soda with a straw? The only time I will ever drink soda is at a restaurant on a whim and so yes I will drink with a straw
18. What does your last text message say? Cody asking me to make a phone call.
19. Are you someones best friend? I hope so
20. What are you doing tomorrow? Hanging out with my sister.
21. Where is your dad? I am sure he's at work
22. Look to your left, what do you see? The other couch, end table and a dog bed with a dog laying on it.
23. What color is your favorite pair of shoes? I don't have a favorite.
24. Do you use chap stick? when i need to
25. Whats your favorite thing to do in your free time? Free time?? What's that?!?! If i had any I would do something creative (using my cricut or stamping). Ideally without kids. But that never happens
26. Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? Drive thru, I would never get out of the play yard if i went in! Definitely drive through!
27. Do you have a dog? Sure do. Lexi. My Brindle Boxer. She's a good girl most of the time, until she gets into my bag of diapers waiting to go out to the trash. UGH! Then she's not a good girl.
28. Last guy you talked on the phone with? Cody
29. Last girl you talked on the phone with? Momma
30. Any fun vacation plans soon? Nope. I wish we did, but we don't
31. Do you dye your hair? Actually, no I dont. I got some highlights about 4 months ago just to warm up the color a bit, but you can't really tell. For the most part my hair is its natural color.
32. Can you say the alphabet backwards? That would require thinking, and I don't have the mental capacity for that.
33. Do you have a maid service clean your house? LOL YES!!!!!! She comes and does our bathrooms every week. I love it!
34. Are you jealous of anyone? Occasionly I get envious of some people who have a better life situation than us presently, but we have a lot to be greatful for and I remind myself of that when I start to feel envious.
35. Do you love anyone? Abso-possi-lutely
36. Do any of your friends have children? Yep
37. Do you use the word Hello daily? Yes. I like to say it to my baby brat who immediately puts his hand to his ear like he's talking on the phone. It's SOOOOO cute! And I say it every time I answer the phone.
38. Do you like cats? Yes I do
39. Have you ever been to six flags? Nope
40. How did you get your worse scar? I fell on an old heater when I was 18 months. I have a faded scar on the back of one of my thighs. Come to think of it though, it's pretty much gone now.
41. What is your favorite smell? clean boys
42. What is the last DVD you watched? We don't watch DVD's. We watch movies on pay per view (because we don't like to return them when we rent them) so the last one we watched was Iron Man
43. Have you ever been to Disney world? Nope
44. What is your favorite number? 311
45. Do you toast your pop tarts? If I ate them I would, but I think they are nasty
46. Have you ever waited tables? Briefly
47. Where did you have your first kiss? LOL behind the movie theater!
48. What should you be doing? Probably getting dressed or making breakfast for my kids
49. Do you enjoy wasting time blogging? Yes
50. Who do you want to tag? Angie, Becca Barton, and Audrey (maybe she'll update her blog if she's tagged LOL)


Britt's Clan said...

Love it!! Thanks for playing.. I love the answer to Number 15 that is classic...

Amy said...

I love this! How fun. I might just have to copy it. Are you coming this weekend, please oh please!!!!

Mom at Our House said...

I always love learning more about my friends

audreywaldron said...

Cute pictures of Asa going to Grandmas!! You would tag me wouldn't you to update my blog, I guess I better get on that one huh?!?! Merry Christmas!