Saturday, October 4, 2008

Cleaning Boys

Cody had this great idea yesterday that he'd come home from work and we'd all do a whole house overhaul.  Not my idea of spending the day, but oh well.  They boys even got involved with the vacuuming.  Aren't they cute.  Too bad they can't really get the whole house vacuumed.  I hate that task, and laundry and dishes and bathrooms, oh I guess I just hate it all LOL


Amy said...

What a great help they are, lucky! And I have to say that is a great family activity, NOT! Hey I LOVE your floors, very cool!

Britt's Clan said...

Oh the boys are sooo cute!!! I love the one of Coen and his bink. Very very cute!

Angie Stewart Black said...

Yeah start them out early and get them trained so when they do hit around 5-6 years old, then they can do the whole house!! Seriously, they look so cute. Kasen loves to drag around our vacuum hose too. Its funny.

Grandma Sis said...

Very nice family project. Cute pictures also.

Anonymous said...

When they are old enough to do chores, it is so awesome!