Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Birthday Party!

Last week we celebrated Asa's 4th birthday. He wanted a Batman Birthday, so I decided I'd give this home made cake thing another try. It went much better...Note to self: start baking the cake about noon for a 7pm party in order to give it ample time to cool so it can be decorated. This was a super simple cake to make though. When I was surfing the web for cake ideas Asa was sitting next to me and we came across a Robin cake. He really wanted that one, but I forced him to have the batman one because I wanted to HA! He was super excited none the less.

Asa came away with some pretty good presents that included this batman helicopter, a coat, a couple outfits, handheld game, RC car, action figures, and other things that I can't recall at this time. It was a good time!


Mom at Our House said...

Spenny always tells me he likes Robin, and Benson like Batman. I think Spenc and Asa would get along great! Happy Birthday Asa!

Melece said...

Anna, wow that seems like a lot of birthdays at once, the whole fam? Great cake, by the way.